Ready to grow your business? Here’s how we can work together

My strategy sessions are designed to help you get clear on what needs to happen in your business and what you need to implement to grow.

We’ll look at what’s working and what’s not, and create a plan to give you clarity and direction so that your business can thrive. During our call, you’ll have the opportunity to ask as many questions as you can about operations, systems, and more.

Who is it for? My strategy sessions are for business owners and entrepreneurs who need fresh eyes on their business to help develop a strategic plan to get results.

What’s included:

  • a 90 minute call with me where we’ll take a deep-dive into your business, talking about your challenges and where you want to improve

  • an audit of your current systems and strategies

  • a custom three month action plan sent to you one week after your session

  • one week of email support following the delivery of your action plan

Price: from $350+GST

Strategy Session

With my OBM retainer services, you will receive strategic support and help with the day-to day running of your business. Depending on your business needs, I can streamline your systems, manage projects, and provide operational support.

We’ll kick off with a strategy call so that I can understand more about your business and your team, where you want to improve, and what systems you need to make your business run smoothly.

Who is it for? My monthly OBM services are for business owners and entrepreneurs who are ready to outsource and are looking for ongoing, hands-on strategic support to create more time and freedom.

What’s included:

  • regular strategic planning sessions

  • a mapped out strategy to get things done and to make your business, and your life, easier

  • ongoing strategic and operational support, as well as project and team management

  • an overhaul of your business systems by implementing and documenting systems and processes

  • regular progress reports to keep you updated

Price: from $1600+GST per month (minimum three month commitment)

Online Business Management

My Strategy and Accountability package is a three month program aimed to give you clarity and support from month to month.

I know that it can be hard to stay focused and not get distracted by shiny new things. To know that your business is growing even if you don’t feel like it is. And it can feel lonely working on your own and trying to find all the solutions.

That’s where my Strategy and Accountability package can help you. With personalised support, I’ll be your biz bestie. Together we’ll create a plan to realise your goals and I’ll help you stay on track with accountability check-ins.

Who is it for? My Strategy and Accountability package is for business owners and entrepreneurs who need help prioritising their goals, knowing what to focus on, and staying on track.

What’s included:

  • Three months of accountability and support to keep you on track and moving towards your goals

  • A monthly strategy and accountability call where we’ll set your goals and create an action plan for the month ahead

  • Email support and weekly accountability prompts to keep you on track

Price: $850+GST for three months

Strategy and Accountability

Ready to take the leap?

Book a free 15 minute chat so we can talk about your business goals and how I can help.